Connect to the net call service
To make or receive a net call, your device must be connected to a net call service. Select
Internet tel.
If you have selected automatic login, your device automatically connects to the net call service. If you manually login to the
service, choose an available connection network from the list, and select
to connect to the net call service. The saved
networks, which are marked with a star icon, are shown first on the list. If you want to stop the connection from establishing,
and from the following:
Connect to service
— to establish a connection to a service when there is a net call service and suitable connection network
Disconnect from serv.
— to end the connection to the net call service.
Change service
— to choose the net call service for outgoing calls if the device is connected to more than one service. This
option is shown only if there is more than one configured service available.
Configure service
— to configure new services. This option is shown only if there are services that have not been configured.
Save network
— to save the network to which you are currently connected. The previously saved networks are marked with
a star icon on the list of connection networks. This option is shown only if you are connected to an unsaved wireless LAN
Use hidden network
— to connect to a net call service using a hidden wireless LAN network.
— to manually refresh the list of connection networks. Use this option, if your wireless LAN network is not shown on
the list. The list is also refreshed automatically every 15 seconds.
The available options may vary.
Your device can be connected only to one wireless LAN access point at a time. If you use two or more net call services, which
use the same access point, your device may be connected to multiple services at the same time. The service used for outgoing
net calls is shown in the view, where the connection networks are listed, and can be changed by selecting
Change service
After you have successfully connected to a service, you can save the used wireless LAN network as a known access point.